Johnny kilroy

Johnny kilroy

Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st Therapy session dealing with Identity crisis By Chem-1

Claustrophobia isn’t just a fear of closed in spaces it’s also the fear of it all coming to an end or everything falling apart around you. We all have to fight this some time or another the fear a fading dream, a career closing on you, or the reality of you may not be able to hold it all together. Sometimes the weight is to much because your constituents aren’t pulling there weight and eats away at you because you have no control of your fate. Then we believe if I did this on my own it would be on me and that so far from the truth. No matter what game of life we play there is a circle we create that is essential to our success, we may change roles but the team needs its stars and role players. Claustrophobia; fear of no control because we can’t see the reason to have hope we struck the stone 99 times and gave in. Those who gave it on more try broke the stone and conquered there fears and broke loose. So if you have claustrophobia in your mind, soul, or heart what are you afraid to lose, what cant you control, or what cant you see to the end. I would love to say just breathe stand up and push forward but sometimes you need a little faith something like a Lord’s favor. Also remember be able to recognize the signs to free your mind of claustrophobia it may not be what you expect but it will be what you need. So many people tried to close our chapter and we’re stronger, now you become stronger and avoid an Identity Crisis.

1 comment:

  1. Never thought about it that way good food for thought
